It would seem that cooking is not so long: well, half an hour at most, if the dish is complex – an hour. However, not everyone who, for example, works a lot until late, has enough time and energy to cook after coming home. We have compiled a small life hack on how not to cook (well, almost) and still eat right.
How much time do we spend cooking?

If we imagine that cooking takes an average of half an hour – an hour a day, then it turns out that we spend about 6-6.5 hours a week on cooking. Plus – going to the store and washing dishes. If you stretch this period in time, it turns out somewhere more than 2 thousand hours a year. Sounds scary enough. With that time you could play at the 22Bet India website and do something useful.
You can save time in many ways: either facilitate the cooking process itself by ordering a grocery basket at home (now this service is provided by most large hypermarkets), or by ordering the necessary ingredients, packaged in portions or ready-made portions. By the way, food can be both familiar and in the form of nutrition programs compiled by nutritionists.
What are the nutrition programs?
Nutrition programs depend on the goals you have set for yourself, indicating the amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates. Let’s say the weight loss diet is divided into five servings a day. This includes vegetables, meat and snacks. In addition to dietary and balanced, there are also special weight gain programs for athletes with an increased number of calories.
I am a vegetarian. How to be in this case?

Delivery services offer a special program for vegetarians. On the menu: smoothies, vegetable pancakes, vegetable soups, pasta, fruits and nuts. True, if, for example, you do not eat fish, then it is worth adjusting the menu, since it is presented in a number of dishes of the vegetarian menu.
I love to cook but I hate shopping
If you want to save time spent on going to the store, and at the same time adhere to proper nutrition, you can use food constructors. The idea itself was thought up in 2012 by financier Matt Salzberg. He, along with e-commerce specialist Ilya Papas and chef Matthew Vadyak, founded Blue Apron in the US. This is a service that offers dinners from farm products for two or a family. Blue Apron quickly became popular, with the company’s valuation exceeding $2 billion in 2015.
You will be brought already cut ingredients that you need to cook. Each serving contains weight, calorie content, and cooking time, and you can also change the composition if for some reason you do not eat any of the proposed products. Various companies have developed special menus and recipes for those who are just learning or already know how to cook. The latter, by the way, is another great opportunity to improve your skills and learn how to make dishes like a rabbit in white wine and marbled beef in ginger glaze without spending a lot of time looking for ingredients.